YEMEN: A Humanitarian Crisis, The Original hipsters and more

A new coffee species called Yemenia has just been discovered in the beautiful, war-torn country of Yemen that has the potential to revolutionize the global coffee industry. And we just purchased a lot in the Qima & Cup of Excellence auction so YOU CAN EXPERIENCE IT! Thanks for being part of this journey with celebrate culture & coffee in Chattanooga and beyond!
"Yemenia is a new mother population within the species of Coffea arabica that is found exclusively in Yemen, and represents an ocean of unexplored genetics and future varieties that have the potential to reshape the world of arabica for centuries to come." ~Qima Coffee
"Yemen, located at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia, remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Five years of conflict have forced more than 3.6 million people to flee their homes and approximately 80 percent of the population – 24 million people – are in dire need of humanitarian assistance."
"...Since violence broke out in late March 2015, conditions in Yemen - already one of the poorest countries in the Middle East - have rapidly deteriorated. Extreme shortages of food, safe water, sanitation and healthcare, as well as deadly massive outbreaks of cholera and diphtheria have taken a heavy toll on civilian lives and deprived families of basic needs.
At least 70 percent of the population lack access to food, safe water and adequate healthcare and nearly one million suspected cholera cases have been registered since 2018." - UNHCR
“The world cannot afford to let Yemen slip into the abyss.”
-Ayman Gharaibeh, UNHCR Representative to Yemen
Read about the story of 29-year-old Ahlam to see a firsthand experience here. And read this for a full explanation of crisis in Yemen.
We ultimately wanted to be part of sharing the revolutionary new coffee mother population, Yemenia, to help make a difference in the lives of Yemeni farmers.
At Mad Priest, we "educate the curious" about where it comes from, and who was involved in bringing it to us. But we also strive to "champion the displaced" and Yemen is a coffee origin that continues to deal with the atrocities of war, famine, and displacement on a whole other level.
In 2016, the proceeds from our previous Yemeni coffee went to World Relief's efforts in Yemen. (Who remembers The Original Hipster?) Now a few years later, the situation is even more dire in Yemen, and we want to be part of the solution through coffee.
The lot that we purchased in the Yemenia auction cost $140/lb. (It's a super special coffee with a really unique process, learn more about it here.) And $101/lb of that goes directly to the cooperative of famers in Bait Alal, Yemen!
When you buy this incredible coffee, you are literally making a difference in the lives of coffee farmers amidst the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
We've been getting some amazing feedback from folks about Yemenia! It's a super unique & delicious coffee, AND your purchase directly supports Yemeni coffee farmers in the midst of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Learn more here.
“It is a very surprising taste. Noticeably different. I likened it to a perfect middle between South American dark roasts and Ethiopian lighter fruity coffees. Heavy tamarind and apricot notes for me.” - Joseph Kwon
“I love that it is such a special coffee with a real impact on real people (as opposed to corporate growers). The experience of waiting, placing the box on the counter, weighing the beans, prepping the pot, and making a pour over is incomparable to any other coffee....The flavors made me think of citrus fruits. I am not a coffee somm, so describing the exact profile is difficult for me, but I do recommend the experience. I am happy that I can be a part of the growth of the Bait Alal village.” - Andrew Coleman
"It's an amazement as soon as you break the seal. the scent hits you with wonder. Hint of chocolate raspberry and coffee from a lighter roast straight from the bag leads to a lot of anticipation." - Michael Wong
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