Good morning, sunshine! If you got any sloth with that bed head, you're in luck. Laziness is overrated. And we have a cure! Now get out there and do something.
“Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding. [Coffee] is here, it seems to say; Cast away the works of darkness, O ye children of the day. Wakened by the solemn warning, from earth's bondage let us rise; [The rich brew], our sun, all sloth dispelling, shines upon the morning skies.” - W. H. Monk
This smooth, light-bodied coffee is a blend of washed Colombian and natural Ethiopian coffees. Our medium-roast breakfast blend will bring you joy in the morning with a smooth body, nutty character and balanced finish. Perfect for the everyday cup!
Sloth, noun. a: disinclination to action or labor. b: spiritual apathy and inactivity.
I've purchased a selection of Mad Priest Coffees for my son and daughter-in-law. They announced that 'there's no Mad Priest coffee they've had that wasn't the best!'.
Cairen Miranda
The best coffee
Found out about mad priest while visiting Chattanooga and happened to get a cold brew at a cafe and was immediately hooked. Been on a subscription for the breakfast blend since then. Would recommend 10/10
Was recommended by a friend. I love it!
Kimberly Smith
Amazingly Great Coffee
First had this coffee on a weekend getaway to the McLemore resort in Risisng Fawn, GA. Had to order my own and did not disappoint.